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The Bible Answer Book
The Bible Answer Book

The Bible Answer Book

By: R.A. Torrey

Item #: 11545
ISBN 10: 0883685558
ISBN 13: 9780883685556
Condition: New
Your Price: $7.99
Retail Price:$9.99
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Part Number: 11545
ISBN 10: 0883685558
ISBN 13: 9780883685556
Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Availability: In Stock
Condition: New

Description: Evangelist and Bible expert R. A. Torrey answers your most baffling questions about the Scriptures. You'll find practical advice for living an abundant Christian life in these solid, biblically based discussions. As you enter this gold mine of foundational truths for living out your Christianity, you will find the Scriptures coming alive as your faith increases. Let your heart and mind rest as you discover what God's Word really teaches and, when applied, how it can powerfully change your life.

 Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Afterlife
  3. Alcohol
  4. Annihilation of the Wicked
  5. The Antichrist
  6. Assurance of Salvation
  7. The Atonement
  8. Backsliding
  9. Baptism
  10. The Bible
  11. The Christian Life
  12. Christian Science
  13. The Church
  14. Communion
  15. Confession of Sins
  16. Conscience
  17. Consecration
  18. Conviction of Sin
  19. The Deity of Jesus Christ
  20. The Depravity of Man
  21. The Devil
  22. Divorce
  23. Eternal Punishment
  24. Evil
  25. Faith
  26. Falling from Grace
  27. Fasting
  28. Footwashing
  29. Forgiveness of Sins
  30. Giving
  31. God
  32. Good Works
  33. Guardian Angels
  34. The Heathen
  35. Heaven
  36. Hell
  37. The Holy Spirit
  38. Immortality
  39. Infants
  40. Insurance
  41. The Jews
  42. Judgment
  43. Man in God's Image
  44. Marriage
  45. Medicine
  46. The Millennium
  47. Miracles
  48. Missions
  49. Old Testament Law
  50. Original Sin
  51. Perfection
  52. Prayer
  53. Predestination
  54. Prosperity of the Wicked
  55. Purgatory
  56. Religion
  57. The Resurrection of the Body
  58. Rewards
  59. The Sabbath
  60. Salvation after Death
  61. Sanctification
  62. The Second Coming of Christ
  63. Secret Societies
  64. Soulwinning
  65. Spiritualism
  66. Trouble
  67. The Unpardonable Sin
  68. Victory over Sin
  69. "What Would Jesus Do?"
  70. The World's Condition
  71. Index


                                                                                                                                            • ISBN 10: 0883685558
                                                                                                                                            • ISBN 13: 9780883685556
                                                                                                                                            • Publisher: Whitaker House
                                                                                                                                            • Binding: Trade Paperback
                                                                                                                                            • Pages: 191
                                                                                                                                            • Actual Weight: 10 ounces

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