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Kenneth Hagin Book Package
Kenneth E. Hagin Book Package

Kenneth Hagin Book Package

By: Kenneth E. Hagin

Item #: 11038
Condition: New
Your Price: $671.99
Retail Price:$895.95
Your Savings:$223.96(25%)
Part Number: 11038
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Availability: In Stock
Condition: New

Description: This package contains 109 books written by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin during his nearly 70 years of ministry, including his minibooks, study courses, slimline books and devotionals. Retail $895.95 discount of  $223.96 your price $671.99. 

Includes All of the FLP Books:

  1. A Commonsense Guide to Fasting 
  2. A Fresh Anointing 
  3. The Art of Prayer 
  4. The Believers Authority Legacy Edition (paperback) 
  5. Biblical Keys to Financial Prosperity 
  6. Bodily Healing and the Atonement 
  7. Classic Sermons 
  8. El Shaddai 
  9. Exceedingly Growing Faith 
  10. Following God's Plan for Your Life 
  11. God's Word A Never Failing Remedy 
  12. Greater Glory 
  13. Growing Up Spiritually 
  14. He Gave Gifts Unto Men 
  15. The Healing Anointing 
  16. Healing Scriptures
  17. How You Can Be Led By the Spirit of God Legacy Edition 
  18. I Believe in Visions 
  19. Jesus, the Open Door
  20. Love: The Way to Victory 
  21. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage 
  22. The Midas Touch (paperback) 
  23. Ministering to Your Family 
  24. Mountain Moving Faith 
  25. Must Christians Suffer 
  26. Plans, Purposes and Pursuits 
  27. Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing 
  28. The Name of Jesus Legacy Edition 
  29. The Spirit Within and the Spirit Upon 
  30. The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness 
  31. Tongues: Beyond The Upper Room  
  32. Understanding How to Fight the Good Fight of Faith 
  33. Understanding the Anointing 
  34. Welcome to God's Family 
  35. What to Do When Faith Seems Weak and Victory Lost 
  36. Zoe: The God Kind of Life

Includes All of the Devotional Books:

  1. Faith Food (hardcover)
  2. Health Food Devotions 

Includes All of the Study Aide Books:

  1. Walking by Faith (13 lesson series) 
  2. Foundations for Faith (13 lesson series) 
  3. God's Word on Divine Healing (13 lesson series) 
  4. Biblical Ways to Receive Healing (13 lesson series) 
  5. Baptism in the Holy Spirit (13 lesson series) 
  6. Gifts of the Holy Spirit (13 lesson series)
  7. The Ministry Gifts (13 lesson series) - 9.99
  8. The Will of God in Prayer (13 lesson series) 
  9. Steps to Answered Prayer (13 lesson series)

Includes All of the Study Course Books:

  1. Bible Faith Study Course
  2. Bible Healing Study Course
  3. Bible Prayer Study Course
  4. The Holy Spirit and His Gifts Study Course
  5. The Believers Authority Study Course

Includes All of the Slimline Books: 

  1. Casting Your Cares Upon the Lord
  2. Faith Food Seasonal Devotional: Spring
  3. Faith Food Seasonal Devotional: Summer
  4. Faith Food Seasonal Devotional: Autumn
  5. Faith Food Seasonal Devotional: Winter
  6. The Gift of Prophecy
  7. Healing Belongs to Us
  8. How to Turn Your Faith Loose
  9. How You Can Know the Will of God
  10. The Human Spirit
  11. The Interceding Christian
  12. Keys to Scriptural Healing
  13. Prayer Secrets
  14. Praying to Get Results
  15. The Present Day Ministry of Jesus Christ
  16. The Real Faith
  17. Redeemed From Poverty, Sickness and Spiritual Death
  18. Right and Wrong Thinking
  19. Seven Steps for Judging Prophecy
  20. Seven Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit
  21. The Threefold Nature of Man
  22. Turing Hopeless Situations Around
  23. What Faith Is

Includes All of the Mini Books:

  1. A Better Covenant
  2. The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit
  3. The Coming Restoration
  4. Don't Blame God
  5. Five Hindrances to Growth in Grace
  6. The Gifts and Calling of God
  7. The Glory of God
  8. Godliness is Profitable
  9. God's Medicine
  10. Hear and Be Healed
  11. His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful
  12. How God Taught Me About Prosperity
  13. How to Keep Your Healing
  14. How to Walk in Love
  15. How to Write Your Own Ticket With God
  16. I Went to Hell
  17. In Him
  18. Knowing What Belongs to Us
  19. Laying On Of Hands
  20. Learning to Flow With the Spirit of God
  21. Learning to Forget
  22. Love Never Fails
  23. The New Birth
  24. Obedience in Finances
  25. Paul's Revelation: The Gospel of Reconciliation
  26. Plead Your Case
  27. The Precious Blood of Jesus
  28. Signs of the Times
  29. Three Big Words
  30. Why Do People Fall Under the Power
  31. Why Tongues
  32. Words
  33. You Can Have What You Say
  34. Your Faith in God Will Work


  • ISBN: Various
  • Publisher: Faith Library Publications
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Actual Weight: 36 pounds


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