Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
In 1962 Kenneth Copeland was born again and turned the rest of his life over to Christian ministry work. Kenneth Copeland attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma in fall 1967. Later he studied under Kenneth E. Hagin, founder of RHEMA Bible Training Center and RHEMA Bible Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
In 1979, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland's TV ministry the "Believer's Voice of Victory" first appeared on television. Headquartered in Newark, Texas, it has international offices in Australia, Africa, Canada, Europe and the Ukraine. Kenneth Copeland is also actively involved in ministry to prison inmates in 23 countries. Kenneth and his wife, Gloria, travel regularly, speaking at churches and conventions, including their own annual "Believers’ Conventions." This includes the Southwest Believers’ Convention, the West Coast Believers’ Convention, and the Great Lakes Believers' Convention.
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have learned the principle of connecting to God in faith. By the Lord's blessing, they have taught their children, grandchildren and Partners the world over the power of connecting with God.