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John Calvin God the Creator God the Redeemer
John Calvin God the Creator God the Redeemer

John Calvin God the Creator God the Redeemer

By: John Calvin

Item #: 10714
ISBN 10: 0882709275
ISBN 13: 9780882709277
Condition: New
Your Price: $13.49
Retail Price:$14.99
Your Savings:$1.50(10%)
Part Number: 10714
ISBN 10: 0882709275
ISBN 13: 9780882709277
Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Availability: In Stock
Condition: New

Description: This Pure Gold Classic contains the first and second books of the Institutes of the Christian Religion, one of the most famous theological books ever published. Calvin's system of doctrine and Church government has shaped more minds and entered into more nations than that of any other reformer. In every nation it made Christians strong against the attempted interference of secular powers with the rights of Christians and endures even hundreds of years after his death. Of his "Institutes," Calvin said: "It was more God's work than mine."


  • ISBN: 0882709275 
  • Publisher: Bridge-Logos
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Pages: 584
  • Actual Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

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