Holy Bible Recovery Version, Bonded leather
Description: A work by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. A devotion to and love for the Bible has made possible a broad range of good translations which have rendered immense help to serious students who have not been able to translate the Scriptures on their own. Both Watchman Nee and Witness Lee desired to study the bible thoroughly so that the Lord would open the Word richly among us. While Watchman Nee at times translated short portions of the Scriptures for his messages, it was Witness Lee who realized the great benefit in translating the Bible.
In 1974, as Witness Lee embarked upon the life-study of the Bible, he initiated the work of translating the New Testament into English, directing a small team of brothers and sisters to translate from the original language as the life-study progressed through the entire New Testament. The issue of this effort was the Recovery Version of the New Testament, which was published in its current revised form in 1991.
In 1989, as Witness Lee proceeded to release his life-study of the Old Testament, he again directed a new translation endeavor in English, this time of the Old Testament, and again from the original languages. As the work proceeded book by book, Witness Lee reviewed the translation and made numerous improvements and suggestions, both prior to publication and during his use of each book during his life-study trainings. The Recovery Version translation of the Holy Bible, containing both Old Testament and New Testament was published in February 1999. The Recovery Version of the Bible, including outlines, footnotes, and cross-references for both the Old and New Testaments is now available.
- Font Size: Text- 10.8, Footnotes - 9
- Text with embedded outlines
- Footnotes
- Cross-references
- Charts
- Color Maps
As with any translation of the Bible, the determination of the original text, based upon the available manuscripts, forms the basis for the text of the Recovery Version of the Holy Bible. The translation of the Old Testament is based on the current scholarly text of the Hebrew Scriptures, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS; revised 1990 edition). The New Testament follows, for the most part, the Nestle-Aland Greek text as found in Novum Testamentum Graece (26th edition). However, in determining the original form of any verse, the translators of the Recovery Version gave careful consideration to the larger context of chapter and book and to similar portions of the Old and New Testaments. The most recently discovered manuscripts or the manuscripts of oldest date are not necessarily the most accurate or reliable; hence, the determination of the text for this version was based largely upon the principle stated above. Departures from these editions are generally indicated in the footnotes.
The Recovery Version embodies extensive research into the meaning of the original text and attempts to express this meaning with English that is to the point, easy to understand, and readable. In those places where it is difficult to express the exact meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek, explanatory footnotes have been supplied.
The subject provided at the beginning of each book and the outline of each book take the historical facts as their base and express the spiritual meaning in each book. The footnotes stress the revelation of the truth, the spiritual light, and the supply of life more than history, geography, and persons. The cross references lead not only to other verses with the same expressions and facts but also to other matters related to the spiritual revelation in the divine Word.
The Recovery Version contains over 26,000 cross references leading the reader not only to similar expressions and facts of history and geography, as do most cross references in other study Bibles, but also to other portions of the Scriptures that relate to the same spiritual truths and divine revelations.
The Recovery Version contains charts of important truths and color maps of Old and New Testament lands.
The Recovery Version contains outlines of each book, both at the beginning of the book and embedded within the text, expressing the spiritual meaning in each book.
The Recovery Version contains over 15,000 extensive footnotes stressing the revelation of the truth, the spiritual light, and the supply of life.
- ISBN-10: 0736324208 Black & 0736324216 Burgundy
- ISBN-13: 9780736324205 Black & 9780736324212 Burgundy
- Publisher: Living Stream Ministry
- Binding: Bonded Leather
- Date: 2006
- Pages: 2766
- Actual Weight: 4 pounds 2 ounces
- Dimensions: 10" x 7
" x 2"
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