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Calling Things That Are Not CD
Calling Things That Are Not CD

Calling Things That Are Not CD

By: Charles Capps

Item #: 14977
ISBN 10: 1937578801
ISBN 13: 9781937578800
Your Price: $14.99
Retail Price:$15.99
Your Savings:$1.00(6%)
Calling Things CD
Part Number: 14977
ISBN 10: 1937578801
ISBN 13: 9781937578800
Description: This Bible principle is the foundation principle upon which Jesus operated in all of His ministry. This series gives understanding and insight into the difference between calling things that are not as though they were and calling things that are as though they are not by Charles Capps. CD


  • Publisher: Capps Ministries
  • Media: CD
  • Actual Weight: 14 ounces

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