The Authority of the Intercessor
Posted by John A. MacMillan on 2/26/2016 to
So unreasonable to the natural mind seems the proposition of Jehovah to
His people (Isa. 45: 11) that they should “command” Him concerning the
work of His hands, that various alternative readings of the passage have
been made with the intent of toning down the apparent extravagance of
the divine offer. Men are slow to believe that the Almighty really means
exactly what He says.
(13) Comments
The Authority of the Believer’s Countenance
Posted by John A. MacMillan on 2/21/2016 to
Authority of the Believer
In the varied presentations of divine grace and human experience which
are set forth in the Book of Psalms, two aspects embrace all others. The
first is the Messianic, where the psalmist, frequently in his own
person, reveals the sufferings and the glory of the incarnate Son of
God, whom he recognizes, however, only as the coming King of Israel. The
second is the individual aspect, in which the relationship of the
believing soul to God is portrayed in numerous phases. So fully is the
human heart unveiled that David, to whom most of the psalms have been
ascribed, has been spoken of by one writer as “not one man, but all
mankind’s epitome.”
Modern Demon Possession
Posted by John A. MacMillan on 2/14/2016 to
Authority of the Believer
The record of demon possession did not appear first in the Word of God; communications with the unseen world have characterized the religious beliefs and practices of all nations from the very earliest times. These beliefs are in accord as to the existence and the working of superhuman intelligences in the midst of mankind. There has been at all times, and still is, much superstition mingled with human beliefs. But clearer light is steadily growing, and it is becoming possible to discern between the various forms of demon working that are seen among us, and to quietly and sanely dispossess the spirits which enter into the bodies of men and women, and to comfort the minds and allay the fears of those whose condition is less serious.
A Prayer for Humility
Posted by Andrew Murray on 1/26/2016 to
A Prayer for Humility
I will here give you an infallible touch-stone, that will try all to the truth. It is this: retire from the world and all conversation, only for one month; neither write, nor read, nor debate anything with yourself, stop all the former workings of your heart and mind: and, with all the strength of your heart, stand all this month, as continually as you can, in the following form of prayer to God.
The Nature of Faith
Posted by Finis Dake on 1/15/2016 to
Finis Dake
Faith is a union of assurance and conviction; the counting or reckoning a
thing done as though it were already done. Faith does not have to see
before it believes.
Obeying and Praying
Posted by R.A. Torrey on 1/1/2016 to
One of the most significant verses in the Bible on prayer is 1 John 3:22. John says, "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep
His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
A.B. Simpson's Short Biography
Posted by Admin. on 11/13/2013 to
A.B. Simpson, founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance was born December 15, 1843 in Bayview, Prince Edward Island, Canada. At an early age he felt the call of God on his life to preach and later experienced a dramatic conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. After discovering a line in Walter Marshall’s Gospel Mystery of Salvation, “The first good work you will ever perform is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,”
Angels to Help You by Lester Sumrall Chapter 1 Excerpt
Posted by Admin. on 11/13/2013 to
Angels to Help You by Lester Sumrall Chapter 1 Excerpt.
"He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee, in all thy ways." Psalms 91:11 Angels not only played an important role in biblical history, but they continue to intervene in people's lives today. Lester Sumrall offers scriptural answers to many often-asked questions about angels, such as:
- How can angels help me?
- What are the characteristics of angels?
- Do I have a guardian angel?
- Do children have guardian angels?
- How did angels help Jesus?
- Can I be victorious over evil angels?
- How can I win in spiritual warfare?
Your life is strongly influenced by angels. In this helpful, easy-to-read guide, Lester Sumrall shares the truth about angels.
The Scripture Cannot Be Broken Part 1
Posted by Administrator AJ on 7/22/2013 to
The Word of God
Understanding the Authority of the Word of God is an essential key to the Believer's arsenal of faith
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